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Monday 1 January 2018

Natural remedies to deal with tooth aches

If you ever experienced tooth aches. Then you know it is nothing to consider a minor issue. So with that in mind I am sharing effective treatments to deal with tooth aches. If you suffer from tooth aches feel free to consider any of these remedies.

Salt water rinse
Most will tell you that a salt water rinse can help deal with tooth pain. As it can help to heal wounds and reduce inflammation.    

Half a teaspoon of salt mixed into a glass of warm water. Use it as a mouth wash and gargle.


Ohh the trusted garlic is mentioned again. But for good reason. It is one of nature's most helpful cures and is regularly used for medicinal purposes. it is effective because it kills harmful bacteria and thus protecting your mouth and teeth. 

You can chew a clove of garlic slowly, or you can create a paste and apply it on the affected area. Or what I do I add raw garlic pieces (sliced and cleaned) to meals thus my mouth and health gets the much needed protection from illnesses. As well as other valuable oils and ingredients that would have been destroyed in the cooking process. 

Clove oil

I am sure many know that clove oil is great as it numbs pains associated with tooth aches. But also because it is considered nature's natural antiseptic and reduces inflammation.

Add a drop of clove oil to a glass of water. Use as a gargle. Or you can take a cotton ball. Add a drop of clove oil on it. You can dilute it with olive oil or water if you prefer. Place it on the affected area. Repeat this a few times during the day. 

If you didn't know that thyme is also one of natures most wonderful herbs. Well today I explain why it is. Thyme is a great and powerful antioxidant. But at the same time  a strong antibacterial.

Again you can add a drop thyme essential oil in a glass of water and use it as a gargle. Or you can add a few drops on a cotton ball, dilute with water and apply on the affected area. 

The last thing to remember that while minor tooth aches can be treated at home. More serious tooth aches should be treated by a dentist. That means if the pain persists for two days or more. In the situation of dealing with an abscess. Please do not take it as a small problem. It can be very dangerous and put your health and your life at risk. 

Should you suffer from tooth abscess, please read the following article. 

These are just a few of the many home remedies that work for tooth aches. If you know of any other remedies please share it so everyone can benefit from it. 

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to comment below or contact us. Please share so others can benefit from it too. 


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